Was just food shopping and found a gigantic lobster
(10 pounds) in a tiny tank at a Pathmark. Yes, this
is a very strange e-mail but, is there any place that
you know of down the shore where this very old guy can
be released. Somewhere that he/she won't get trapped
again. I can't imagine how old this lobster is but I
would be willing to pay his/her bail to release it.
They said it would be about $65, and worth every cent.
Its been in the tank since 6/21. If you know of anyplace
or anyone who knows of someplace or anyone with a boat
that could take it out and let it go....please let me
Thanks Jeri
That is so nice of you to try to save that lobster!
I would even help pay for his release if you are able
to find a place for him. I always feel bad for those
poor things. If you do find a place please let me know
for future reference.
Pam Ott
Ps. My mom had mentioned that usually those lobsters
are raised on a farm and won't survive if just released
in the ocean (i didn't think of that) she suggested
to contact PETA. Let me know what happens.
Thanks for offering to help the old lobster but the
situation isn't looking good. I was so happy last night,
I did find someone going up to Maine on Friday and
would have hired a boat to go out onto the ocean with it.
Problem is, I consulted with a marine biologist and
he said that even though it is a nice thought, unless
I knew exactly where this lobster was taken from,
leasing it could be a problem for other lobsters. Different
waters/different lobster groups have immunity to
certain lobster diseases and putting an "unknown lobster" into
a strange group could risk alot of other lives. The only hope is to
find a good aquarium to take him
as a speciman. I have an e-mail out to the NJ Aquarium
in Camden. Don't know of any others in NJ. Freedom would
have been great, an aquarium life (?). Being boiled
to death would be so disgusting! Will let you know.
If you think of anything....let me know.
Best, Jeri
Thanks & Good luck!
Your as bad as me when it comes to saving a life. We'll
do anything;-) Your the best! Thanks from the lobster
Pam Ott
Great lobster news! PETA had a contact with a lobster
release person, she has released over a hundred of them.
I paid his bail last night and within one hour he will
be with this person and returned to the sea. I made
so many phone calls to make sure that what I was doing
was alright. Talked with marine biologists and even
the seafood supplier of the supermarket. The supplier
said that there is no way this lobster was farmed...nobody
keeps farm raised for the 80 years that this guy probably
was. Said he came from either Canada or Maine. I also
checked on any possibly risk of spreading any diseases
amongst lobsters and was told that they only can have
one disease that was contagious to each other. It was
characterized by black spots on the shell....this one
had none. So many people have been praying that this
guy gets a second chance and he now has one. I can't
describe the feeling of knowing that this very old guy
is going home and avoiding a pot of boiling water. Thanks
for caring. Best, Jeri PS- Was told by the lobster release
woman that if, in fact, this lobster was caught in Maine
waters, he was taken illegally. Lobstermen have to throw
them back for breeding at his size.
O MY GOD THAT IS TERRIFIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would like to donate some money towards his release,
if you have a paypal account i could send it that way.
Just let me know. Many people mean well and want to
help but when obstacles are in their way, they give
up. Not you! You are determined! That is awesome. I
am so glad he is saved. 80 years, that is a long time.
I never knew they could live that long. Good for you!
Thanks for letting me know. I'll have to tell my mom.
Pam Ott
Thanks for the offer of deferring the lobster costs
but I'm not a non-profit, just a twelve year volunteer
involved in wildbird rescue. I usually pay for things
myself but am lucky this time because it was my neighbor
who told me about the lobster and before anything was
done, I told her that I wanted to try and save him/her
but couldn't afford it myself. I asked her if she wanted
to be "lobster partners" and she agreed. It
wasn't that bad.....$90 for the bail and $8 for ice
packs. The good feeling I have for having helped him
is something that money cannot buy.....I'll be smiling
for days. Am going to contact the release person this
afternoon to see how it went. Also, one of the supermarket
employees has a photo on his cell-phone that he showed
me....just awesome.....will ask him if he can e-mail
it me and that way I can show him/her to everybody who
cared about this rescue.
I just got a really nice quote in an email from an animal
friend. Its a St. Francis quote (I speak with him alot).
Its: "Not to hurt our humble brethren is our first
duty to them, but to stop there is not enough...we have
a higher mission to be of service to them wherever they
require it." I guess that says it best.
Joe Miele's wife, Delia, drove the lobster up to Maine.
Spoke with the PETA lobster release person this afternoon
and am happy to report that he got there in great shape
(definitely cold enough) and at 11:30 this morning,
he was pushing rocks around looking for something to
eat. So, so many people are smiling about this rescue,
including all the people at the seafood counter when
I bought him/her. I guess people do care about the fate
of these guys. I was thinking about it today...what
are the chances of a lobster surviving 80 years in the
Maine area without getting trapped, then getting trapped
and sent to a lobster tank in a NJ supermarket(for 10
days) and then getting bailed out and given a ride back
to where he came from? I'd say: slim to none."
I still can't believe this happened! Thanks again Have
a good weekend, Jeri |