Just a quick picture. Pawley is so sleek and handsome, isn't he? ;)
Del |
You know that my first little one, Pookums, past away in May. Since that time, I have missed Pookums dearly. My home has needed the pitter-patter of paws. So, here it is...the official announcement of the newest addition to my home...introducing...Cuddles (orange) & Fidget (black/white)!
They're healthy and happy and enjoying their new home. I am enjoying having them tear up my house.
Peace & Blessings |
I wanted to send you a picture of Enzo. He is the greatest kitty with so much energy. He settled right in with his two older brothers, one of which is blind. He's a gentle cat.
Thank you! |
Just letting you know that Nellie (Babs) is doing very well. She went two days ago to her second vet visit and she is healthy. We love her so much. We are attaching a couple of pictures.
Thank you for everything,
Sara & family |
Hey! So thought you'd like to see how the boys are getting along.They don't groom each other, but Miki (most of the time) will allow Catsanova to be on the bed or couch with him. This is huge! And speaking about huge, I took Miki to Animal Welfare Clinic to get his shots (rabies etc) Every one in the waiting room kept calling him Prince Chunk. The vet tech said the same thing when she had to lift the carrier. LOL Actually, I think he lost 2 lbs. I weighed him in the carrier and all together it was 26.5 lbs the carrier is about 6 lbs so he's not so fat.He's just a big LOVE BUG. How's everything with you and all the kitties?Saw a cat I might be interested in on petfinder, but it's too soon to talk about yet. I'm glad I waited and let the boys feel more comfortable with each other, and living here. Nothing, much more going on- same old , same old. Enjoy the pictures. |
Thought you'd like these. Mikimoto likes to go under the curtains at dusk and look outside. I was coming into the house and thought he looked soooooo cute. The other picture of his butt is the other half inside the house. Anyway, hope all is well.
Joyce |

Here is a pic I took of Pawley today. He comes out and lays
down next to my computer chair:) Not the best pix, as usual. I just
vacuumed the rug yesterday! :( lol
Delphine |
By some rare occurrence, I was the first one awake this morning, so I
got to feed the cats. Pawley comes right out with the crowd, now:) The
last one is like, "feed me, I'm faint with hunger" (actually he was just
rolling a bit, being cute!)
Del |

Allie and marty have new nicknames. We call them princess and the
turd. :-) Turd boy has not been up mommy's butt so much and she is not so over protective. We have started a slow introduction to the rest of the
petting zoo. There is a little hair raising with the other cats but it
is getting better everyday. Now the dogs will take longer. Al is not
happy at all with the dogs and when she gets upset so does marty.
Thank god my dogs are more afraid of cats then vice versa. Not to
worry we already know this is going to take time and guess what, we
have more then enough time. :-)
I wanted to let you know that things are going great. So enjoy your
holiday and give hugs and kisses to the crew.
Kim Dermond |
Hi Pam-
They have always co-existed just fine. What you didn't see in the last photo was when Mikimoto opened his eyes and saw it was Catsanova next to him he jumped up and swatted him and chased him off the bed. I have been taking Mikmotoi off the bed, now and then because he is becoming too possessive of it.
Joyce |
Joyce |
Hey there auntie pam. :-)
Ok I am going to try to send you a few pictures of turd boy. It is a
little hard to get pictures since him and princess dont really stay
still long. LOL. They are both getting big and mommy has put on some
weight. :-) Turd doesn't mind the dogs or cats but Al is still leary
of the dogs. She is getting better but things are getting better and
we have all the time on the world. :-) So enjoy the pictures. I have
to send the pictures one at a time because I am sending them through
my phone. Thanks again lady. |
Hi there...just wanted to send you a note to let you know that the baby is doing great in her new home. I hope that you don't mind, but our daughter renamed her Elphie (for the lead character in Wicked). We kept her middle name as Cecilia. So she's ElphIE Cecilia Miranda. Elphie took immediately to Berlioz, our adult cat. Our dogs were fascinated with her and wanted to smell her, but Elphie kept her cool and now, as you can see from the pictures, she fits right in. We're amazed at how quickly she adapted! She plays really hard and then she sleeps like a baby...so cute! Well, thank you both for what you do. We love our little girl!
Kathy |
I just wanted to email you some pics of Chloe in her
favorite napping spot...the kitchen window sill. She
has actually been sitting by it crying the past few
days. We haven't opened it with the weather so hot,
since the air is on. She is so funny!
Hi there! Everyone is doing well. Chloe is so
comfortable here now. She is so funny! She loves to
play with the kids! We have a long wand with feathers
on the end and when she wants to play she runs with
the whole long thing in her mouth to bring it to the
boys to play!
Jessica |
Hi Pam-
Fonzie is still the same. His new thing is sleeping on my pillow either
right next to my head or on it. I'll send a recent picture of him.
How are things with your rescue?
Thanks again for thinking of us.
Tracy |
First let me say how happy I am that you came over last night. This morning Miki was in the litter box when I got up, but as soon as I started talking to him he got out and came over to me.I didn't leave the gate open last night (didn't want him to eat plants) but I did leave it open this morning. Miki came out and walked around. He even went into Catsanova's bathroom and jumped in the tub. Cats anova hissed a couple of times and that was it. Miki is still understandably afraid of the dog, but not terrified (he hisses at him) Right now Miki is in the be shaped like a house with his head sticking out watching. It also seems that he has made a small dent in the food.
So thank you cat whisperer - by your coming over, you gave him the courage and the reassurance he needed to move on. I know there is a long road ahead, but one small step at a time.
Now you can have a good day and relax.
Joyce |
Here are the dynamic duo at their best!!!!
Anthony |
Just a quick note to let you know He is doing AWESOME! He is in love with all the other animals and is around us all the time! As you can see in the pic HE will not stay still! He is up on you lovin every chance he gets! He has fit in so great--like he has been here the whole time! I am glad we had the opportunity to give him a new home! SO I hope all is well with all of you and I just wanted to send a quick update!
Kelly |
Yes, Arnie got a little big. This shot makes him look chunkier than he is though, LOL. He is bigger then Louie though size wise...he is going to be a big boy. He is sleeping on the pup's bed...the kitties know the good spots.
Darlene |
2 brave kitties hanging out in the kitchen. Not an amazing photo except if you know these cats it's awesome that they socialize now and not hide in fear!!!
Holly |
Hi Pam,
Hope all is well. Some pics of the new baby. The ones on the bed are when Ed was trying to make it and Arnie thought it was playtime! The other is Louie finding a little nook and Arnie still managing to get at him.
Darlene |
Just some cute pictures of Molly...
Jill |
Louie & Arnie are one of a kind bird watchers.
Darlene |
These were this weekend... Arnie now takes Louie's bed and Louie gets the couch! LOL
Darlene |
Hi Pam,
Hope all is well. Some pics of the new baby. The ones on the bed are when Ed was trying to make it and Arnie thought it was playtime! The other is Louie finding a little nook and Arnie still managing to get at him.
Darlene |
Just some cute pictures of Molly...
Jill |
Hi Pam
They were hysterical sitting with those monkeys... probably funnier
in person but I couldn't believe they all wanted to sit together.
And that Wiggins - he climbs the tree everyday. The ornaments are all over the floor but he's having a great time.
Gizmo is still around but she is aging a lot. Got her to gain a ton
of weight back after the radiation and she is doing really well for
her age.
Forward to June if she'd be interested in seeing Fonzie bear!
Tracy |
Hi Pam,
Just wanted to show you that Molly and Emma have taken over our
bed at home. They are doing great!
Jill |
Jessie was a little upset at first with his new pal, but it only took him a day to warm up to this little girl. Look how cute they are snuggling together.
Thanks! |
Paris is doing well. She has the softest (if that's a word) fur. She will sit in your arms and let you just rub her stomach. She loves sitting in a window or my computer chair which I have to work around to sit in. She's a little angel.
Thanks for everything |
Hi Pam,
They both said to say hello! They are running around the house right now chasing each other, but loving life. So happy to have them! Thank you!
Jodi |
Hi Pam!!
Thought I would send you a little update on Lilly. Lilly has adapted really well to the dogs. She now realizes that they are not barking at her when they bark. She will actually lay down next to them. She now also realizes that the whole house is hers instead of the back bedrooms. She was never seperated from the rest of the house but somehow she didn't feel relaxed enough to hang out, before. Her favorite room is the sunroom lying on the dogbed made for 2 dogs ( really smelly ) but sunny a good part of the day. She and Minnie are still having their difficulties mostly over food. Sometimes there is a bit of growling and hissing but nothing serious. I do think they will work it out. Lilly slept in bed with both dogs and Minnie Sunday night for the whole night ( a first ). Good thing it is a king-sized bed. Lilly is so sweet!!!! She purrs so loudly that you really can hear her in the next room. Thanks so much for the postcard!! Hope you and the " kids " are all well. Give them hugs and kisses for us!! Will keep you posted. Lilly sends hugs and kisses too!!
Take Care,
Barb, Gail and Lilly |
Just a few picks from this summer. I was going through some photos so I knew you like to see update pics. The food bin ones are from the other night. I went to put some food in Gossy's bowl and here he comes and just climbs in there to help himself. "he waits for no one!" He weighs in at 22 pounds.
Darlene |
Hi Pam,
Well, Samuel finally moved to my son, Tony's house this weekend, and I
think this picture tells it all! He has the run of the house there,
since the only other cat is a female who doesn't appear to notice Samuel
much, and he sleeps with Tony at night. (From this picture, it looks
like the two of them fell asleep on the couch!!) Sam follows Tony all
around the house like a puppy, and Tony just loves him.
Thanks and I'll talk with you soon!
MB |
I wanted to send you these pictures. Angie and Mittens are best of friends.
Take care!
Jo-Ann Spiegle |
Kylie is beautiful, weighs 9lbs and is such company and fun to be around. She's sort of fussy about her food, she only likes the shredded fish, chicken with salmon and beef. My husband has been in a nursing home 7 months after suffering a severe stroke 11/13/06. Kylie visited him and I think he remembered her. When he comes to the home closer to me, I'll take her to visit again. We had a horrible pinelands fire in May. I was visiting my husband with my son and had left Kylie in the house with all the windows open. They wouldn't let us back until the next night around 7pm. I was hysterical and crying. When I heard her meow, it was music to my ears, I knew she was safe. Kylie and I flew to Florida in Feb. Once we were in the air I put her carrier on the tray table and she looked out the window. Kirby (Kylie's brother) is a character and follows my brother all over. Just thought I'd update you on the 2 kitties.
Marilyn Caulfield |
Gabrielle is a doll to have around. Gabby gives kisses, knocks your head, chases her tail and loves to play around. She gets along with the other cats and dog. She loves the window sill and enjoys the sun. I have been told by many that she is one beautiful kitty and that I made the right choice.
Thanks so much,
Jim |
I'm surprised that Gizmo is still with us.....I think it is only
because we hand feed her the high calorie food. I'm glad she's still
here and glad she is FINALLY getting along with the other cats, but I
just can't tell if she is uncomfortable or not. We know she is getting
worse because she rarely makes it to the litter box anymore. But we
get to see her snuggled with her husband and it is just too cute...
Tracy |
Hi Pam!
Funny you should ask about Nitus. I told my family that I had a new cat and they were surprised (having not seen him). So I got as many as I could to lay on the floor and see him under the bed. Attached is his picture taken by my nephew Jacob who is almost 9. He couldn't understand why Nitus wouldn't come out!!!
Holly |
Jeter & Squillion |
Hi Pam,
Thanks so much for helping me place JoJo. If didn't have my parrot- Quig, I would have tried to keep JoJo myself. But my Quig was here first and I could not take the chance of anything happening to him. Now if JoJo would have been a very small kitten like my two cats were and were raised with Quig, then I would have kept him. My cats really loves Quig as you can see from the photo. Thanks for all you have done and I will be getting a donation out to you very soon. I know you sure could use it with all of your rescues and probably not much coming in on donations.
Bea |
DORSEY IS GREAT! We actually renamed him. He wasn't really responding to Dorsey so we tried all different names we can think of. Then Apollo called him Mariano Rivera, after the NY Yankees baseball player, and he turned his head in response. So 'Mariano' stuck. He's exactly how you guys explained him! Really cool, follows us around, comes when he's called, loves to be pet - hahaha... like u said, dog-like! He's such a sweet character. I love the little coo-ing noises his makes... so cute, like little expressions... like he's saying what are you doing or where are you or what is this... At first, he wasn't into playing... I guess exploring the house was more interesting. Now that he's seen, touched, and gotten to everything, he a lot more interactive and plays with the toys we got him. I took him to the vet yesterday. Clean bill of health. He weighs 13.2 lbs! He also got the microchip implanted. Thank you so much for recommending him! We love him! We so happy to have him be part of our family!
Take care,
Elaine |
Hi Pam,
I was so glad to see Streak got adopted! You know me, I couldn't get that poor cat off my mind after I read the story. I've always wanted an all white cat. And, if I didn't have a full house right now, I probably would have taken her in a heartbeat. Here are some recent photos of Miss Lizzie Butt. She's getting cuter and bigger by the day!
Fran |
Hi Pam,
Remember me Doreen who was attempting to find a cat to replace my Buckwheat.
Well its been about 2 months and Giuseppe ( we call him Zeppe) fits right
into the family. The dogs and him all get along perfect. He's loves to hang
outside in the backyard with us and doesn't stray at all. I guess I can say
Buckwheat sent us a perfect companion. He's reminds me of a very young
buckwheat . Cool , laid back , acts like a dog, talkative , loves people
even kids BUT since he's only a little over 1 he's very playful, fun and
does like to sometimes get himself in trouble (Messing with my birds jumping
in the turtle tank, ect). So we and dogs are very happy we stumbled upon
Zeppe and I know this cat just loves it here. Here's some picutres of Zeppe
and the dogs.
Take Care Doreen and Dave |
Here is an updated photo of Love Bug. She LOVES her 2 feline brothers!!!! They all sleep in the bed with their DAD at night.
Deete |

Hey There, Pam-
Just thought I'd show you what the girls have been up to- NOTHING! They have the life, don't they!? As you can see Molly & Emma are extremely interested in our new goldfish. Unfortunatley, the goldfish is now on top of the fridge!
Jill |
I thought you'd like to see fonzie in some other shots since he was
looking good! he has some competition for his girlfriend though
because gizmo was sitting with hummer too!
Pam |

Fonzie & Gizmo were laying together in the sun. MAJOR milestone for
Gizmo....she would have never sat next to any of them before.
Tracy |
Hi Pam,
Sorry it took me a few days to get this out to you. This is our cat
Charlie. He is about 20 lbs!!!! Not really fat just huge!! We love him to
death and he has been a great addition to our family. Thanks.
Denise Nowell |
Hi Pam,
I am attaching photos of the kitties for ya. Ruthie loved Elmer and he liked getting all the attention. Leah was hiding out (as usual).
See ya,
Holly |

Hi Pam,
I hope your holiday was nice. Thank you for all of the great gifts. I'll hang the calanader in the office this week. Ruby was playing with hers right away.
Carole |
Happy Holidays from the Aviles Kitty-cats!
Gizmo (brown tabby), Hummer (orange tabby), Wiggins (orange & white one eyed cat), Fonzie (black kitty) |

Dear Pam,
Here are the attached pictures of Spooky and Shadow. Please note Spooky weighs 14 pounds and Shadow weighs 11 pounds. Have a Happy Holiday. Stop in some time to see the cats!
~Mary Jane Gray |
Some recent pix of maya and soho. i've got 2 roly poly
talkative cats now. maya (the alpha) has been teaching
soho how to beg for food so they're both overweight
now. at least she lets him sleep "near" her now cuz
when he was just a kitten and he tried to cuddle in
the bed w/ her, she'd hiss and kick him out. soho kept
peeking through my blinds, now he broke some off so
there's a small window of open space in my blinds.
guess i'll have to replace them before i move so i
don't lose my security deposit. happy holidays!
- Bet |
Hey Pam
We received our calender this weekend……WE ARE SUCH PROUD PARENTS!! Our Louie made it on the calendar -- I told him he is famous!! I think it has gotten to his head already though! We are sooo proud to see him on there! (well you know what I mean it isn't nice what he had to go through) It is up on our fridge! Also, thank you soooo much for the holiday card it means so much to us!! I showed Ed your address labels they're cute!
Of course these were taken right after "it" was set-up and decorated....see for yourself --
My tagline "oh, you put this up for me?" Oh, yah we bought Louie a reindeer costume from Target - I have to send you the photos of him with the antlers and booties on....
Hope everything is well with you and your babies!
Darlene |
Here's Wiggins.....that's his cute little face begging for a treat! Too bad you can't hear the pathetic little meow that goes along with the face. He taught Fonzie how to do
it too and now they are able to get anyone to melt and give in to
giving them a treat. Even the manly men get sucked into giving in to
them. It's pretty funny how they have us all "trained".
Tracy |
Hi Pam,
can you see Fonzie's "fangs" sticking out of his mouth? he's such a
Tracy |
As always, the Molly & Emma are doing wonderful!
Jill |

Hi Pam,
Here are some recent pics of Gracie - the lab you found w/ the little pitbull. You'll never guess where she ended up. Debbie - who picked them up from you - her husband adopted her. They separated last year. She's being spoiled rotten and sleeps with him and the 2 cats. Debbie took their two boxer/pit mixes when she moved out and eventually, back to FL. Look how great she's doing.
Deete |
Hi Pam,
Thank you so much for taking the time to help us out. Marco should be on his way to recovery thanks to your advice. We’ll keep you posted.
Here are a couple pics of the Sienna and Marco. Marco has the tan ears and Sienna has the white paws..
Lounging in Mom’s purse, on the couch & and the windowsill….
Joe |

Louie the pumpkin king
Happy Halloween!!
Ed surprised me with these. I wanted to set up a backdrop with the pumpkins, mums, etc. Anyway, isn't he cute!! We got the outfit over the weekend when we were in Target. Actually, Ed's grandmother who is 89 spent the weekend with us and she bought the outfit! I just showed my boss the pictures and she oooohd and awwwed how cute he was and how patient he is with the outfit on. He is his momma's and papa's little pumpkin!! (well you haven't seen him in person in a while he is a rolley-poley-oley pumpkin)
Hello Pam!
These are a few I downloaded ...soooo far - Louie's favorite toy out of everything is any leftover box such as the bottled water case with the plastic. Long story short - one night Louie was in the box like the picture shows and Ed slid him down the hall and back and he didn't budge out of the box! He just stayed put for the ride! He is soooo silly! The other photo is from summer when he was in the yard (on his leash of course). I mention you to him all the time! The other photo is one of the gifts "Santa" is going to bring him for Christmas. He will looovvee it! (I should have learned by now that it is up to the CAT to decide not us humans) soooo, I "hope" he will love it!
Darlene |

Hi Pam!
The Girls are doing wonderful!
Jill |

Hi Pam,
Wiggins and Fonzie are friends but he usually only "cuddles" with
Hummer so I thought this was precious!
Hope all is going well.
Tracy |
Hi Pam,
Leah says thanks for the catnip toy!!! She's taking a nap now. The "kittie high" is wearing off. hehehehehe
Holly |

Hey Pam,
I got some shots today of Charlie and Zeke. I could probably get better ones though. Charlie (with white) is hard to photograph because he constantly follows me and is on the move to get right next to me at all times. Of course that isn't a problem. Remember how I was worried about him not being affectionate in the beginning? Soooo glad I have him. Zeke too for that matter. He's as loving, but only on his terms. He's the brains of the operation.
We moved across the bridge to PA so they have left their native state. I'm thinking they are about done growing. Charlie (the one with white who didn't like you too much) is pretty big. He's a lot bigger than Zeke and the most amazing loving cat you could meet. He actually wants to be held quite a bit. Zeke is the brainy cat. He gets it. He's really vocal, especially when he's hungry. He knows his name and comes when I call him. He likes to be rubbed, but not held too much. I'd say they have adjusted quite well. I can't imagine not having them. Just wanted to send you the new info and let you know they're well.
I have one fairly decent shot of the two of them. Zeke is on the top tier. From time to time I think they could use a yellow little brother, but don't want to mess them up. If you should happen across one... Especially if it is from the same mother.
Hope all is well with you. You mentioned working at a Vet over this way. Would you recommend them for the boys? They should probably be going in for a one year evaluation.
Tom |
Hey Pam,
I am liking owning a cat quite a bit. Have grown rather attached
to Mercury. Still working out little convenience details
(mostly about feeding and litter), and the nuances of
whatever allergies I have, but all is well otherwise.
He's gotten rather comfortable in the house and will
sit at any door that I don't let him through. In the
mornings he'll meow at my bedroom door until I come
out and feed him (cute once or twice, but something
I'll have to get him out the habit of :) ). I did take
some pictures, but they aren't very good (mostly of
him at rest, or in "ignore my owner" moods). I will
work on getting more active ones. We'll have to work
on a good time for you to visit him.
Jason |

Sweets is trying his best to get used to Wuzzy after Buddy died. It seems that they can lay on my bed at the same time without any problem, as you can see from the photo. But there has been a few occasions where I"ve heard hissing and growling, one of the times was when Sweets followed Wuzzy into the bathroom where I keep her litterbox. In due time, I am sure they will be along. I am hoping the tree house that I ordered for them arrives next week - they said 7 days. I am hoping that will give them both more together time to get used to one another. I opened the patio blinds this morning so Wuzzy could look out, it seems to be her spot, she lays on the rug there alot.
Take care....
Lorraine |
Hi Pam,
Hope all is going well with you. It seems kind of funny but I can't
even wait til Wiggins "birthday"......it's still another month away
but this is what the little monster looks like 2 years post surgery.
He's spoiled rotten. The bottom picture is his new bed and he really
thinks it's just for him. Fonzie tried to get in it one day and
Wiggins ran over and beat him over the head.
Tracy |

Hi again,
Here's Fonzie too. He's still the same old Fonzie. Still sits on your lap and kneads......
Tracy |
Hello there Pam!
Hope everything is well and you are trying to take it easy! Everything is good with my furbabies…including the biggest baby Louie! He is such a cry baby and the more I talk to him and tell him that he is a cry baby the more he looks up at me and cries! He is so cute!! I have some others pictures I'll have to send you. Thought you would like it. This was taken last week.
Hope all of your babies are well!
Darlene |

Hi Pam,
I don't have a recent picture to send you, but wanted to give you a quick update about Charlie and Zeke. We moved across the bridge to PA so they have left their native state. I'm thinking they are about done growing. Charlie (the one with white who didn't like you too much) is pretty big. He's a lot bigger than Zeke and the most amazing loving cat you could meet. He actually wants to be held quite a bit. Zeke is the brainy cat. He gets it. He's really vocal, especially when he's hungry. He knows his name and comes when I call him. He likes to be rubbed, but not held too much. I'd say they have adjusted quite well. I can't imagine not having them. I'll snap a picture soon and send it along to you. Just wanted to send you the new info and let you know they're well.
Tom |
Hi Pam,
We just got back from dropping the kitty off at Holly's house. I wanted to thank you for all of your help, you really made a difference for this cat. I'm sure he will get along very well at Holly's house, he was already exploring the area in his fearless way. Thanks again!
Take care and God Bless.
Barbara |
Hi Pam
Our family is so happy with Elmer! I love him like one of me kids! I am pregnant and due on 8/10. Elmer has not left my side he sleeps with me on my pillow. I think he is part human. Thanks so much for a great cat he makes our family complete.
Gabriele |
Hi Pam!
Here are a few photos that I resized (finally) so they would go through the email system. I loved your photos of your fur/(less) babies!! Wow, you keep them so happy....
Well, here is the big ham!! I'm going to take a few posed shots of him to send in to some magazines etc., contests. My Louie is adorable!
Oh, yah, he is up to going in the box about 2-3x's a week now!...slowly but surely.
Ed |
Hi Pam,
How are things going? We seem to be in a vacation rut....are desperate
to go somewhere, but either can't decide where to go or for how long I
can go without seeing the fur kids. They are all such a trip! Fonzie
either got beat up or he scratched himself, but I feel bad for him
because he lost a bit of hair just around his eye. I'd be surprised if
any of the other "kids" could actually get the better of him! He's
still purring though.
Tracy |
Dear Pam
Here is a picture of Romeo, in his new home. He is still having issues adjusting, but overall he seems to be doing well. |
Hi Pam!
I was looking through your website and saw the stories posted. I figured I'd drop you a line and let you know that Phoebe is doing GREAT! I've had her for almost 2 years now. I can't believe it! I love her to pieces and don't know how I ever lived without her. This picture is of her sleeping in her usual spot...on my pillow =)
~Sherri |
The girls are doing GREAT! as you can see from the photo, they settled into our new home very nicely.
Take care,
Jill |
Hi Pam
Here is a photo of Tiggy in his new home. He is adjusting very well. He is coming out of his shell running all around the house playing with the other cats. He is such a
sweetheart, I love him soooo much.
Hope all is well.
Cindy |
Hey Pam,
Amy and I wanted to say hi, and to drop you some new photos of Duffy. She's quite big now HA HA! Hope all is well.
See ya,
Jeremy |


Just wanted to send you some pics of Quincy and his Pug "Brother" Ralph. His "Sister" Joplin wasn't feeling up to photos that day!
Kenny & Andrea |
Today is Fonzie's birthday! We've had him for a year now!!!!!
They sure do have the life........ |
Here is "Kringley-Butt". He was found on Christmas Eve 2004, hence his name, "Kringle". He was adopted by his family Christine and Justin Chew in May 2005 from Saved Whiskers Rescue Organization. Pictured is Kringle with Justin giving his "I'm very annoyed..." look. Kringle weighs approximately 25 pounds and is a healthy FIV positive kitty. Here is some quick facts on this misunderstood disease. FIV is a slow virus that affects a cat's immune system over a period of years. FIV is a cat-only disease and cannot be spread to humans or other non-felines. FIV positive cats most often live long, healthy, and relatively normal lives with no symptoms at all. FIV is not easily passed between cats. It CANNOT be spread casually - like in litter boxes, water and food bowls, or when snuggling and playing. It is rarely spread from a mother to her kittens. The FIV virus can be spread through blood transfusions, badly infected gums, or serious, penetrating bite wounds. (Bite wounds of this kind are rare, except in free-roaming, unneutered tomcats.) A neutered cat, in a home, is extremely unlikely to infect other cats, if properly introduced. FIV-positive cats should be kept as healthy as possible. Keep them indoors and free from stress, feed them a high-quality diet, keep and treat any secondary problems as soon as they arise. FIV positive cats can live a long, healthy life. All he or she needs is someone to give him a chance. |
Hi Pam,
Here is a picture of Misty (moo-moo fat cat) and his friends:-) He is doing terrific as you can see from the photo. Thanks so much for helping me to get him neutered!!!
Take care,
Candice |
Dear Auntie Pam,
Thank you so much for my dogs bones! I love them! Mommy told me what a sweet person you are, and I just wanted to thank you for thinking of me on Valentine's Day. I can't wait to meet you. I've heard all kinds of goods things about you. I just know we'll be friends.
Love, Shannon (A Loving Rescued Pooch) |
Hey Pam!
As you can see The Chew Gang is doing terrific!!!! Far left, Beamer, in front of him, Fletcher, to the right again, is Jasper the other orange one, and Ellie is standing in front of him. And then Bear and Caesar--the black and white one, and King Kringle on the arm.
Take Care!
Justin & Christine Chew |
Hi Pam
I am talking the disc with the pictures to have them printed out tomorrow sure will send you a couple of them. Got 2-3 good ones of them. At night, Lewy & Lacy tend to lay together in a chair, of course with an afgan on it !!!!! Lacy never seems to be full !!!!!!!! Almost takes treats from Lewy most the time - as he seems more laid back with food. Tara, my granddaughter just called me to see how they are. They still won't let us pick them up to hold them. I am taking allergy pills that my oldest granddaughter takes and they seem to help a bit - but after 12 or so hours in the house - I have to get out. Maybe it will clear up. Take care, and have a good rest of the week.
Lewy and Lacy said "meow"!!
Ruth |

Hey Pam,
I will always be grateful for all you've done for us and Duffy. We
would be happy to send you photos and updates about her. I'm
attaching a photo of her passed out on my arm while I was on my
computer. I also recommend Saved Whiskers Rescue to everyone I can. My bother is going to add a links section to my website, I'll be putting
your site in there. I'll give Duffy a kiss for ya, haha! I'll keep in touch.
Take care,
Jeremy |
Here are some pictures of katie girl....she has gained.....a little weight...check out the pictures when we first adopted her until now!!!!
Kelly |
Hi Pam,
Stella is doing terrific. We love her to pieces!!!! Thanks so much.
Irma & Frank Fagnani |
Dear Pam,
If you had a dollar for everytime I think of you. You would be a millionaire! What a angel was sent to me when I needed you most and you are always there for me. I do thank-you for all you have done for the me and the cats in my neighborhood.
Our family is going through a difficult time with the passing of our daughter-in-law. My son and grandchildren will never be the same, but hopefully in time will be better.
I loved the card you sent out! Your significant other must be someone special to have found you. I wish you and him nothing but joy and happiness always.
God Bless!
Virginia |

Hi Pam,
I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year. I also wanted to share Romeo's First Christmas Pictures! He is still as comical as ever. We cannot keep him out of the Christmas Tree! Enjoy your holiday.
Jen Ristagno |
Hi Pam~
Aren't they adorable?
Happy Holidays,
Jill Saint Rumpf |


Paige & Parker just love our other cat, Missy so much! Paige's favorite spot is under our kitchen table. They are 1 year old now.
Joanne Rowe |