Bentley arrived a terrified cat. He lived on the top shelf in my utility room for 2 weeks, coming down to eat his food I left on top of the washing machine. Now 6 months later he is happy, playful, and comfortable - always exploring. Here he is enjoying the holiday season. Adopting an adult foster cat can be a challenge but moments like these are priceless and make it all worthwhile.
Merry Christmas from Bentley and family.
Holly Doyle |
May your hearth and home be filled with joyful blessings this Christmas. Have a blessed Christmas. Here is a photo of the boys- Buddy & Sweets. We are so happy we have them.
God Bless,
Lorraine |
Have yourself a "BEAMER" little Christmas!
I was able to get Beamer's picture in the Santa Hat while holding his head still, without choking him ;-)
Beamer, Christine & Justin |
What a Michievous little kitten you adopted out to us:-))) Duffy has found a temporary resting place in our CHRISTMAS TREE!!!!
Jeremy |
Hi Pam-
Thank you so much for your Christmas card. I enjoyed seeing all of your "babies' ! It is obvious that they are well loved and adored.
Here is a picture of our girls, Koko & Kiki. Can you believe how they've
grown? They are so nice to have around during the day (and night!). Kiki
loves to come get on my lap when I am on the computer...walks all around,
chases the mouse and then finally gives up and settles down on my lap. Of
the two, she is a little more shy..she knows her limits and will run and
hide when the kids really get going..she seems sensitive to too much noise
and is a "scaredy-cat" with new things. Eventually, she warms up and comes
around, but she does like to take her time to get used to things. She still
is a vigorous eater--crying if I don't get it to her fast enough!
Koko, on the other hand is a bit more social. She is not nearly so fearful,
in fact, she is very inquisitive. I've found her more and more investigating
our back door, as if she'd like to venture outside. Not an option, kitty! I
also "lost" her for an hour or two the other day, finally locating her cries
to the laundry room. Seems she got into one of our roll-out laundry bins and
I closed the cabinet door on her. She handled it all in stride, though, with
me being more freaked out than her. She is still a lap-girl, too, purring
right away at the slightest attention you give her. She also has an
affection for our printer--coming from anywhere in the house when she hears
it humming. She stares and stares at it. Funny!
We do love these girls and thank you so much for bringing them into our
lives. We wish you a Blessed Christmas season and continued success in the
New Year. Thanks you for all you do for the other kitties out there!
Karen Panagotopulos & Family |
Dear Pam,
Hi again. It's been a while since I e-mailed you about our wonderful cat, Elvis. Elvis is still and always will be fantastic. He gets along great with Tiger, our other cat and sleeps with my son. He is very playful and funny. Attached are two pics of Elvis (solid gray) and Tiger, being friends. Let his foster mom know he is doing very well and is a very happy, well taken-care-of cat. They are wonderful together! Your organization is truly a gift to these pets and all of us happy owners!
Happy Holidays!
Melissa Tinkelman |
Hi Jen,
Finally got some photos of Honey onto the computer and thought you might
enjoy hearing how well he has adjusted.
Well, for starters, we are considering changing his name from Honey to
Napoleon. It didn't take him long to find his rightful place as emperor
around here. You were right -- he's very much a lap cat. At first he
preferred to hang around Daragh but now he'll take any lap that's empty.
He still doesn't care much for the dachshund. It's not that he fears Max in
the least -- in fact, you can see from the photos that it's exactly the
opposite. He just likes to make sure that Max remembers that dogs are
second class citizens and must lower their heads while in Honey's presence.
It's become a game and we all get a chuckle out of it.
We often talk about poor little mixed-up Kringle and wonder if he's found a
good home. Honey began to come out of his shell almost as soon as Kringle
left -- I think little Honey was truly afraid of him. Honey and our three
other cats get along amazingly well.
So please know that Honey is healthy and happy. We had him at the vet and
his teeth are just fine. He gets moist only in the morning and he munches
on dry the rest of the day. He's a clever one too with a unique
personality. Boy, can he gripe, rofl
We're so grateful to you for allowing us to adopt him. The tale of Mr.
Honey is one with a happy ending and you can proudly add him to your list of
successful placements. We all love Honey very much and he tolerates us
reasonably well too, lol.
Linet Flaherty
(Judge and the rest of the bunch say hi |


The boys were thrilled and we are all having such a great time. My husband loves them :)
We named the boy "Cooper" because he jumps threw the loop and flies over a hoop and always poops! So...Coop. We named the girl "Spooky" because she is still a little spooked by her new surroundings. Cooper is a lover, a player and out everywhere. Spooky is a player and coming around everyday. They are great together.
Thanks again. I'll send pictures! :)
Happy holidays
- Chris |
Here I go - let me know if you got it OK. Here are the lovebirds!!!! What a bunch of funny cats I have. Bentley & Lea in the bed that SWRO sent with them to their forever home.
Holly |

Dear Pam,
Here are the photos that I promised you . Jax & Oreo are doing great! My boys, especially my youngest, love them so much. Zac calls them his brothers. Jax has grown and gained 3 pounds since we've had him. I think the reason he was looking skinny for a while was because he was growing so quickly. He is now taller and sleeker looking and weighs around 10 pounds. Oreo still is around the same size. He is a soft and cuddly little fur ball. He weighs about 7 pounds. He feels very light when you pick him up compared to his brother Jax.
They are becoming bad about scratching one chair in particular in the house, but I am keeping up with trimming their toenails, so they haven't done too much damage. We are all enjoying them as pets, even my husband!!! I included a small donation for your foundation. Thanks again for all your help and advice.
Dee Wilkins |
Hi Pam,
I wanted to send a couple of pictures of Charlie and Zeke. The name Charlie just sort of stuck. Both boys have been purring. Charlie a lot more than Zeke though. Believe it or not. They're still a little skittish...especially in the morning, but they seem to be getting a lot better. Hope you have a great weekend.
Tom |

Hi Pam!
Amy and I would like to thank you for our new addition to our family. Duffy fits in so well! As you can see from the photos she likes to sleep as much as I do! HAHA! She's a wonderful kitty and we're glad to give her a good home.
-Jeremy & Amy
Deidra, now known as Duffy is quite the model cat! SWRO couldn't chose just one of the photos, her new delighted owner sent, so we are including all 3!!!! What a character she is! Even though she was once a feral kitten, you would never have known it from the photos. She settled in very nicely in just 2 days. |
Hi Pam
The kitties are so awesome! I can't tell you how much we love them. Siena is so much more friendly now, she even gets on my lap. Marco was always friendly and outgoing. They sleep wedged between us every night. Here are some pictures of them, they are so much bigger than this now but these were so cute.
Karen |
You must be sick of all these pictures,
but I thought this one was so cute! I had
to shut them in a room, because I painted
a window sill that I knew they'd jump on
while the paint was still wet ;-) When I
opened the door, they were all in bed together.
This was especially cute because, Hummer
and Fonzie tolerate each other, but have
never cuddled together. Even when I am in
bed with them, Hummer will only sit there
if there is a leg or some other body part
separating him from Fonzie. Thought I'd
share the photo with you.
Tracy |
please thank your wife June for us. We truly
appreciated the help we received from her
friend Pam Ott. Although, we ultimately found
a home for our stray cat through Michael's
office, Pam was very helpful and responsive
to our questions and needs. It's a comfort
to know that there are organizations like
Pam's that care for these little critters.
Hope things are going well with your two temporary
family members. Hope they find a
new home real soon.
Lori L. Chewkanes
the kittens reached their final destinations!!
Lisa still had to pick up the kitten from
Gabrielle. Everyone including kitties looked
happy! Thank you so much for all of your help.
I really appreciate it. I think the kitties
appreciate too!! I will miss them - I really
started to get attached - they were a real
boost to my day when you opened up the door
and they ran to you purring up a storm ( of
course they knew they were going to be fed!).
Thanks again.
Sandy |
looks like a pudge ball. Its funny, he's
kind of normal, small built, and then has
this big belly. lol. I don't think he will
be as big as Peanutt. But he's so cute when
he's chillin on his chair. He lays on his
back, and shows off his fat belly. He's
truly loved. He will be in Pet Paws Newspaper
next month. Ill send you a copy. Rocki was
in it this month.
-Lisa |

Here are pictures of Penny & Paulie.
They are so much fun even as they get older.
I'm trying to think of something special
to give them for their 2nd birthday next
Paulie still is sleeps all day and Penny
plays by herself, then takes her naps. They
are so funny when they play together.
Diane |
I wanted to personally thank you for your
help with placing "Big Bob", a FIV
positive cat from our shelter. Thanks to you
and our volunteer Joanne, he is able live
a happy life! I have struggled with the idea
of euthanizing FIV positive cats with excellent
dispositions for a long time, and being able
to save Bob has made my job a little less
stressful. He's a wonderful cat and sends
his thank you as well!
Shannon |
His new name is "Charlie"
(like Charlie and the Chocolate factory).
He seems to be adjusting well. He’s
gotten to know us and seems to be having
fun. He still hides a lot as my daughter
is a bit loud with him. When she settles
down he comes out to play and cuddle a lot.
He does actually like to scratch at my couches,
though I bought a scratcher for him to help
with that – it hasn’t been too
bad so far. Thanks for the offer on the
claws – I may take you up on it. Thanks
so much for checking in!
Halloween! What are your cats going to be?
They have several costumes at Target (and
only $5), if you're interested. We'll have
to keep trying for better pictures....we couldn't
stop laughing when we tried to take these.
It was even funnier to watch them try to take
the costume off!!! "Fonzie" in costume.
"Buddy" is doing great! He is such
a sweet and loving cat. I brought him in my
apartment with me so that I can give him a
little undivided attention, although my Aunt
does miss him being with her. He loves to
sleep in bed with me. He was a little defensive
with my other cats at first (I have 3 others),
but he's doing much better now. Thanks again
for everything.
Jenn |
The trip home went well. "Jax" was
a little upset for the last 20 minutes of
the drive and was meowing, but "Oreo"
was content. "Jax" was happy to
be out of the carrier and started exploring
right away. "Oreo" started out slower,
but was soon following "Jax" around.
They were friendlier than I thought they would
be for their first night. "Oreo"
was purring and rubbing up against my legs
before I went to bed. They retreated under
our sofa when they were not sure of who was
coming down the steps. But they were easily
lured back out when they felt safe again.
They were eating their breakfast when we left
this morning. Thank you for everything. My
boys are so happy with them.
Dee |
Just wanted to check in with you. "Sammi"
went to the vet yesterday, he saw Dr Haber.
Dr Haber, said he thinks he has a cold, gave
him some antibiotics, and eye ointment, also
a little needle. Poor baby. He did a 360 today.
Unbelievable. Looks great, feels great, eyes
look wonderful. "Sammi" has VIP
Pet Insurance. Ha ha. Thought you'd like that.
He's running around right now like a maniac.
The cat room is being totally redone tomorrow
with new carpeting, toys, cat trees, even
a new cherry end table, and a 525.00 chair
and ottoman. These two cats have it made.
He eats a lot. Although he only weighed in
at 6 lbs My goal is to have a fat cat to match
"Peanutt". ha ha. Well, just wanted
to touch base, and let you know he's doing
wonderful. We love him soooo much!
Talk to you soon
Lisa |
All is well! Quincy is great and is now really
a part of the family. He gets along with the
older cat Joplin now. Our Pug (Ralph) loves
to chase Quincy around the house and he seems
to like the attention. Sometimes Ralph chases
Quincy so fast, he runs right pass him!!!
Matter of fact, Quincy follows us literally
all over the house, and he's the one cat that
responds every time you call his name. We
love him, although he seems to get into more
trouble than the other pets!!! We're in the
middle of moving (in the next couple of weeks),
but we'll try to get some "Quincy pics"
out to you soon. Thanks for asking, and we'll
talk to you soon.
Kenny & Andrea |
morning, Pam
I just found this picture of "Winnie"
on my camera that Jared must have taken over
the summer. Isn't he adorable!
Fran |
got a good one here for you! Aren't they the
cutest! hahahahaha!
- Suzanne
"Meadow" was good going home and
is busy exploring our home. I know she will
fit in just great! We thank-you again. I will
be taking pictures and do my best to get some
to you.
Sue |
Here are some of the pictures of "Gabriel"
and "Michael"(black one)-the boys
are doing great!!! They are so friendly with
our other cats and so happy!! They are also
growing--both are so adorable-My Mom and Aunt(who
is visiting from Florida) just adores them.
We are going to Greece next week, but we got
a professional pet sitter to take care of
them while were gone. They'll be so big when
we get home. Thanks so much.
Sandy |
Today was Romeo's (Jack) 5 month Birthday!
I can't believe how big he has gotten. He
is still so playful and comical. Anytime we
turn on water, Romeo comes running to jump
in the sink or shower. I can't get a shower
alone! I bought him so many toys, but he seemed
to play in our artificial flower arrangements
the most. As you can see in the picture, I
bought him his own artificial roses so he'd
stay out of mine. They are his favorite toys!
His favorite friend is my parrot, Tango. They
play so cute together. The bird doesn't talk
to anyone, but when Romeo sits by the cage,
Tango talks up a storm! Romeo is so lovable.
I definitely chose the right name for him.
He is very happy and healthy. Have you heard
how his brothers and sister are doing(Manny,
Moe, Jilly)? I am curious to know if they
like water and artificial flowers!
Jennifer Ristagno |